To Be successful, all you have to do are two things: 1) Do the work when you feel like it; and 2) Do the work when you don't feel like it. - Peter VidmarI came across this quote today and started to think about it. To be honest, I really have never had a hard time working out and working on my wellness. However, lately it has been so hard. Why? There could be many reasons, but the main one is that I just don't feel like it. I make up excuses and then the day is gone and I tell myself I will do it tomorrow. Finally I got sick of that so I made a goal for myself. It is still hard, but I gotta do the work when I don't feel like it because that is what brings me one step closer to my end goal. So what are you trying to work on?
Challenge: Remember this little advice from Peter Vidmar next time you don't want to work towards your goal.